Rabu, 13 April 2011


Page: 231-232

1. The woman .... here there days ago.
(A) she comes
(B) came
(C) comes
(D) coming
Jawab: (D) came V2. Karena "three days ago" kalimat Past Tense.

2. .... usually goes jogging on Sundays.
(A) are
(B) every day
(C) my sister
(D) the children
Jawab: (C) "my sister" merupakan orang ketiga tunggal, diikuti dengan infinitive verb "goes".

3. There were .... on the table yesterday morning.
(A) it is water
(B) some water
(C) some oranges
(D) any mangoes
Jawab: (C) some oranges. Past Tense, "were" diikuti oleh kalimat plural.

12. .... a very smart student.
(A) he is
(B) her is
(C) they
(D) me
Jawab: (A) he is. Kalimat Present Tense (kalimat nominal: S + To Be + ....)

PRACTICE TEST TWO (PART B: Written Expression)
Page: 234

16. How much is a kilos of apples in the supermarket now?

A. How

B. is

C. kilos (false)

D. in the

The sentence should read “How much is a kilo of apples in the supermarket now?” (C). Karena ( how much is “a”) menyatakan tunggal. “kilo” tidak perlu menggunakan S.

19. He never drinks waters after he gets up in the morning.

A. He

B. waters (false)

C. gets

D. the

The sentence should read “He never drinks water after he gets up in the morning” (B). Karena uncountable noun tidak perlu diakhiri dengan S, walaupun jumlahnya lebih dari satu.

21. Her friend, Jack, is a very polite and intelligence student.

A. Her

B. is

C. polite

D. intelligence (false)

The sentence should read “Her friend, Jack, is a very polite and intelligent student” (D). Karena jika “intelligence student”, yaitu menerangkan intelegensi/kecerdasan siswa.

23. Mr. and Mrs. Jason bought a new cars several weeks ago.

A. Mr. And Mrs. Jason

B. cars (false)

C. several

D. ago

The sentence should read “Mr. and Mrs. Jason bought a new car several weeks ago” (B). Karena (bought “a” new) menyatakan tunggal. “cars” tidak perlu menggunakan S.

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